Intellectual Property (IPR)

DSC Categories

Below you will find all the major links required for gathering information about different types of Digital Signature Certificate.


Digital Signature for IPR (Trademark & Patent)

Rights for Intellectual Property(IP) have been conceptualized so that creators, innovators and explorers can patent their discoveries and inventions. Moreover, the laws governing patents, rights and trademarks ensure that inventors receive financial benefits for what they have created/invented, besides gaining recognition in their field.

In India, “The Patents Act” came force into 1972 and amendments were made to it as late as in 2016 and 2017.The Patent rules centered on accelerating the grant process. According to governmental sources, the state aims to establish a patent regime that is conducive to technological advances and is in line with its global commitments. In India, several steps have been taken to strengthen the Patent system.

Someone who has already received the DSC for another purpose, can employ the same DSC for filing for a patent and need not file an application for a new digital security certificate.

What is a DSC?

A Digital Signature Certificate equips you with the digital investment required to conduct transactions in a highly secure manner, ensuring absolute privacy for the information you wish to exchange. It validates your identity, making you a trustworthy entity in the digital world and encrypts your valuable information such that only the chosen recipients can read it.

The host of benefits provided by Digital Signature Certificates:

 Make online transactions secure and authentic.
 Establish ownership of a domain.
 Filing income tax returns, accessing e-tenders, signing web applications and web pages — without relying on a user name and password.
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