Income Tax E-filing


Digital Signature for Income Tax E-filing

According to a mandate by Government of India, every citizen who needs to file Income Tax Forms, should do so by availing a Digital Signature Certificate. While filing the Income Tax Returns, the DSC must necessarily be put on record by being registered on an e-Filing Application. A Digital Signature Certificate makes it much more faster and easier to digitally file for income tax returns.

What role does DSC play in filing tax-returns?

A digital signature certificate serves to authenticate documents digitally. This process is similar to how a pen authenticates documents on paper, by using a person’s signature. No body can forge signatures made using DSC and it certifies that the person named in the document, did indeed agree to what is written on it.

The host of benefits provided by Digital Signature Certificates:

 Make online transactions safe and secure, while ensuring privacy of the user.
 Validate ownership of a domain name.
 Helps maintain integrity of distributed software.
 For signing web forms, e-tendering documents, filing income tax returns, to access membership-based websites automatically without entering a user name and password etc.
 Authenticating web forms, income tax returns, e-tenders, without necessitating use of a name and password.
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