Income Tax E-filing
DSC Categories
Below you will find all the major links required for gathering information about different types of Digital Signature Certificate.

Digital Signature for Income Tax E-filing
According to a mandate by Government of India, every citizen who needs to file Income Tax Forms, should do so by availing a Digital Signature Certificate. While filing the Income Tax Returns, the DSC must necessarily be put on record by being registered on an e-Filing Application. A Digital Signature Certificate makes it much more faster and easier to digitally file for income tax returns.
What role does DSC play in filing tax-returns?
The host of benefits provided by Digital Signature Certificates:
Validate ownership of a domain name.
Helps maintain integrity of distributed software.
For signing web forms, e-tendering documents, filing income tax returns, to access membership-based websites automatically without entering a user name and password etc.
Authenticating web forms, income tax returns, e-tenders, without necessitating use of a name and password.