Digital Signature for GST
DSC Categories
Below you will find all the major links required for gathering information about different types of Digital Signature Certificate.

Digital Signature Certificate for GST
Digital Signature for GST, DSCs acts as a substitute for the hand-written signature that you can use to file GST easily. For GST enrollment, a Class 2 or Class 3 digital signature certificate for GST filing is needed, with a validity of 1, 2 or 3 years. In addition to signing documents through DSC, the GST portal accepts e-sign as well. This will not only save your precious time but it will also reduce the pressure of standing in long queues as well.
Enrollment in GST common portal
The host of benefits offered by Digital Signature Certificates:
Establish ownership of a domain.
Filing income tax returns, accessing e-tenders, signing web applications and web pages — without relying on a user name and password.