Class 3 Document Signer Certificate

It is a Special Purpose Certificates in the Interoperability Guidelines under Information Technology Act 2000 issued by CCA.

What is Class 3 Document Signer Certificate?

Class 3 Document Signer Certificate

Class 3 Document Signer Certificate is also comes under the category of Special Purpose Certificates in the Interoperability Guidelines under Information Technology Act 2000 issued by CCA, these are termed as ‘Organisational Document Signer Certificate’ and are issued to organizational software applications for operating automatically to authenticate documents / information attributed to the organization by using Digital Signature applied on the document, documents / Information. Document Signer Certificates purpose is mainly for automated signing and also to reflect organizational accountibility.

In compare to normal Organization User Digital Signature where the signature is issued to individual name with organizational value, Class 3 Document Signer Certificates are issued to Only Organization’s name with ONLY Signing Certificate.

Class 3 Document Signer Certificate can be issued for 1,2 & 3 Years Validity. It can be issued in P12/PFX and only Signing certificate is available under Class 3 Document Signer Certificates. Organization must have HSM ( Hardware Security Module) before they procure Class 3 Document Signer certificate. Class 3 Document Signer Digital Signature can be only downloaded on HSM. If you are looking for Document Signer Certificate in PFX format, Please visit Class 2 Document Signer Certificate details page.

Class 3 Document Signer Suggested Usage :

Bulk signing of GST invoices, claims, agreements, contract notes, offer letters.
Digital signing of insurance policies on servers.
Digital Signing of multiple proposals for vendor onboarding at once.
Automated Signing of recurring bills like postpaid mobile bills of telecom companies or monthly or yearly subscription Invoice also.

Technical Specifications of Document Signer:

Class 3 Document Signer Certificate

Class of DSC

Class 3 Document Signer

Type of Certificate

Signing Only

Validity of DSC

1 Year, 2 Years, 3 Years

User Types

Organization User

Bits of DSC

2048 Bit

Algorithm of DSC


Storage of DSC

HSM [ Hardware Security Module ]

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